Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)

Хроника научной жизни

Development of positive thinking of students as a means of preventing suicidal behaviour: Based on the results of the round table meeting

The article provides information about the round-table meeting held on June 9, 2022 “Development of students’ positive thinking, principles of a healthy lifestyle, and prevention of suicidal behaviour”.

In memory of Vladimir Ivanovich Strakhov: Devoted to the 90th anniversary of his birth

The article is dedicated to the 90th birthday of an outstanding scientist, a wonderful and bright man Vladimir Ivanovich Strakhov (1932–2021). His professional life was inextricably linked with Saratov State Pedagogical Institute named after K. Fedin and the SSU named after N. G. Chernyshevsky. Scientific interests of V. I. Strakhov lay in the field of psychology of attention, pedagogical psychology, psychology of sports, literary, musical and other types of creativity.

Nikolai V. Krogius: A life-long chess game

The article is devoted to the life and work of Nikolai Vladimirovich Krogius who was an international grandmaster (1964), European champion as part of the team (1965); two-time champion of the RSFSR (1952, 1964); Doctor of Psychological Sciences (1980), Head of the Department of Psychology of SSU (1978–1980), head of the Department of Chess of SCOLIPE (State Central Order of Lenin Institute of Physical Education) (1981–1983), Head of the Chess Department of the USSR State Sports Committee (1981–1989), Vice-President of FIDE (1986–1990).

Class teacher and student group curator: Updating the training strategy and methodology: All-Russian scientifi c and practical conference

The article provides information about the upcoming on October 25–27, 2022 All-Russian scientifi c and practical conference with international participation “Class Teacher and Student Group Curator: Updating the Training Strategy and Methodology”. The purpose of the conference is to determine the specifi cs and methods of training class teachers and student group curators, to generalize advanced pedagogical experience, scientifi c and methodological support in the course of training class teachers and student group curators.

Results of the scientifi c dialogue: Problems of psychological services development and functioning in the system of professional education

The article presents the results of the interregional round table with international participants “Problems of Psychological Services Development and Functioning in the System of Professional Education”. The round table was organized by Saratov State Law Academy, the Center of Psychological Support of Saratov State Law Academy, on the one hand, and the Institute of Youth, the Institute of Psychoanalysis and the Philosophy Department of the State Academic University for the Humanities, on the other hand.

Strakhov readings – 2022: International scientifi c conference

The article provides information on the forthcoming international scientifi c conference “Strakhov Readings – 2022”, which will be held on November 11–12, 2022. The conference continues the tradition of holding annual Strakhov Readings in memory of the founder of Saratov Psychological School, the fi rst head of the Department of Psychology of Saratov State Pedagogical Institute, Professor I. V. Strakhov.

Humanization of the learning environment – 2022: Results of the international forum

The results of the International Forum “Humanization of the Learning Environment” have been summed up. The Forum was held on March 1-2, 2022. Saratov State University hosted it. The purpose of the Forum was to identify and discuss the role of a young teacher in the transformation of the educational system. 


Приведены итоги межрегионального круглого стола с международным участием «Проблемы формирования и функционирования психологических служб в системе профессионального образования». Организаторами круглого стола выступили Саратовская государственная юридическая Академия, Центр психологической поддержки Саратовской государственной юридической Академии и Институт молодежи, Институт Психоанализа и философский факультет Государственного академического университета гуманитарных наук. Представлены результаты заседания круглого стола, мастер-классов.


Приведены итоги межрегионального круглого стола с международным участием «Проблемы формирования и функционирования психологических служб в системе профессионального образования». Организаторами круглого стола выступили Саратовская государственная юридическая Академия, Центр психологической поддержки Саратовской государственной юридической Академии и Институт молодежи, Институт Психоанализа и философский факультет Государственного академического университета гуманитарных наук. Представлены результаты заседания круглого стола, мастер-классов.
