Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)


Significant Ideas of Acmeology of Education in the Context of B. G. Ananyev’s Heritage

The article presents some approaches to the theory of acmeology of education based on research carried out by B. G. Ananiev. The purpose of the study presented in the article is to give theoretical understanding of the phenomenon of education, relying not only on the achievements of pedagogy, but other sciences about a human, and, above all, psychology and acmeology. It has been shown that acmeology, as the science of creative potential self-realization on the way to the peaks of productivity, cannot bypass a problem of the development of human subjectivity.

Upbringing of School Children: The Resource of Child and Adult Community

The purpose of the study presented in the article is to explain the notion of the term “child and adult community” as a new tendency in the development of collective upbringing, to show its role in the upbringing and development of a modern school child, single out the directions and techniques for teachers’ work aimed at finding and maintaining the community which involves school children.

Upbringing of Schoolchildren as an Effect of Friendly Communication with Children

The purpose of the research presented in the article was to connected with the definition of the role of the teacher’s communication with schoolchildren as a significant condition of upbringing. Education is interpreted by the author as a living process of interaction, the basis of which are real relationships, processes and phenomena as natural events surrounding the pupil of reality, capable of generating comprehension of cultural and vital meanings and values.

Establishment of the Course «The Bases of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics» and Organization of Children`s Worldview

The article is having a discussion nature and addressed to the moral situation in the modern Russian society. It studies the related problems of inroduction into the school programm of a new subject “The bases of religious cultures and secular ethics”.
