Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)


Parity of the Self-Relation and Characteristics of Success of the Person of the Social Worker in the Course of Professional Socialisation

In article the self-relation and characteristics of success of the person of the social worker in the course of professional socialisationis considered. The description of the self-relation, success in interdependence and interference in the course of professional socialisationis given. It is underlined, that the relation to success of the trade can influence the self-relation in the same degree, as well as the self-relation can influence emotionally-estimated characteristics of success.

Interrelation of representations about social success and characteristics envy persons of the student

In to become research approaches of domestic scientists to studying of pressing questions of social success and envy of the person are analyzed. The description of empirical research of interrelations of characteristics of social success and envy is given to the person of the student where reveal, what categories of social success form envy persons of the student at the given historical stage.

Social complementary dyads and the subject’s resources of success

The purpose of the article is to describe the phenomenon of “social complementary dyads”. Dyads are considered as small social groups (micro groups) being the main forms of people’s organization, of culture transfer, and of the development of special knowledge within the professional sphere; as social structures that ensure the reliability and eff ectiveness of human activity.

Intraprofessional Differentiation of Subjects and Updating of Environmental Resources

The author of the article carries out an exploration for the relations of environment conditions as outsubject resources that influence the choice of the subjects of the professional sphere and the subsequent success of their implementation in the profession and in the family. The data of the article are presented by the samples of public servants (126 pers.) and managers of commercial companies (148 pers.) collected by the author’s methodology «Questionnaire “Lifestyle”».

Level of Person's Social Success: Outer-Subject and Inter-Subject Resources

The purpose of the present research is do detect ontological characteristics of «acme» phenomenon, determine its limits, suggest particular limitations into the object of research, point out aspects interesting in a scientific way and significant in terms of further development of social technologies. The purpose is to suggest changing metaphors and unclear terms to the more clear terms from thesaurus of modern psychology allowing to make measurements.

Phenomenon of «Acme»

Dedicated ambiguous aspects of the relationship between the individual (in situations of success, occupational referred to as «Acme») and the environment, relationships, avoiding discussion of sequential study in publications typical of acmeology. Considered important for understanding the phenomenon of «Acme» his «measurements» (temporary, ethical, methodological).