Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)


Особенности становления стадий субъектности магистрантов педагогического вуза

В статье описан результат исследования, проведенного в рамках эксперимента, направленного на изучение становления стадий субъектности магистрантов педагогического вуза. Субъектность рассматривается, в рамках экопсихологического подхода, как психическое новообразование, возникающее и развивающееся во взаимодействиях индивида с окружающей средой и/или представляющей ее субъектами. В вузе такой средой становится образовательная среда.

Stability of the effect of the stress-resistance-developmental programme on the formation of students’ personal agency

Defining psychological and pedagogical conditions of students’ personal agency development is still one of the challenging tasks of modern psychology. It is possible to consider the implementation of a developmental programme, which is aimed at the formation of students’ stress resistance, as the solution to this problem. The developmental programme should be aimed at reducing maladaptive stress reactions and it should also contribute to the development of students’ individual stress resisting strategy.

Dynamics of Individual Correlogram of Identity Formation Stages of a University Student

The relevance of the study of identity formation stages of a university student is determined by changes in modern Russian higher education primarily related to digitalization processes. The article presents the description of students’ identity formation features under conditions of higher education digitalization. The expediency of using an ecopsychological (ontological) model of identity formation is shown, according to which the process of formation of subject qualities is viewed in the ontological continuum, i.e.

The Phenomenon of «Resources»: Stages and Situations of Actualization of Environment Conditions as Resources

The paper explores the phenomenon of «resources»: psychological mechanisms of actualizing the subject’s «internal conditions» and «external conditions» as resources, levels of activity and interaction of the subject in the «subject – environment» system, a measure of intensity of these interactions and possibilities of accumulating their «critical mass», people’s mental states resulting from «subjectgenerating » interactions and conducive to generating resources.