Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)

социальное сравнение

Interrelation of Valuable Orientations of the Person and its Propensity to Envy

The article contains the results of empirical research in revealing of inter-functional communications of the value orientations with the general level of own envy, with envy to purchases, achievements, qualities (in 17 subjects). It points out four groups of values depending on the character of interrelations of significant/accessible values with envy. The interrelation between a mismatch indicator in motivational-personal sphere and envy is found out.

Psycholocial and Pedagogical Peculiarities of Step-By-Step Development of Self-Cognition in the Primary School Students

The article gives analysis of self-cognition process in the primary school students on the basis of comparison between their per­sonal traits and personal traits of their peers. The study shows the role of peer image in the process of formation of idea of oneself and opportunities of one’s own development. The article describes the peculiarities of organization of step-by-step development of self-cognition in the primary school students on the basis of com­parison to the image of a perfect and a real peer.