Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)

культурологический подход

Methodological approaches to the study of the genesis of the technology / labor education system of schoolchildren in the 20th century

The relevance of the research of methodological approaches to the study of the genesis of the technology / labor education system of schoolchildren in the twentieth century is due to the need to improve the scientifi c apparatus of historical and pedagogical research, the complexity of which lies in its dualism (a combination of elements of scientifi c research in the fi elds of pedagogy and history). Currently, one of the most popular areas of education is technology education.

Professional development training of cadets at military universities

The research appears to be of relevance due to the ongoing modernization of the system of military training. One of its directions is to establish the compatibility of personal and professional qualities of cadets with the model of a modern military specialist. The aim of the research is to carry out a qualitative analysis of the requirements imposed on the modern military by society and the state in order to reveal the essence of the professional development training of cadets.

Integration of Culturological and Competent Approach in the Educational Processes of Future Geography Teachers

This article studies the system of special professional competences of future geography teachers as a result of integration of culturological and competent approaches during the process of education. The technology of contextual education is recommended to implement integration of the given approaches during educational processes.