Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)


To the Question about the Conceptual Apparatus of the Psychology of Social Communications

The article analyses the positions of Russian and foreign representatives of the social-humanities in definition of such conceptions as «intercourse», «communication», «social communication», «interpersonal communication»; reveals the basic contradictions in their definitions; takes the attempt to systematize these terms.

Организация совместной деятельности младших школьников как специфического вида взаимодействия

В статье проанализирована проблема организации совместной деятельности и взаимодействия в учебно-педагогическом процессе. В результате проведенного анализа выявлены особенности совместной деятельности как взаимодействия, рассмотрены некоторые существующие способы и приемы организации совместной деятельности субъектов педагогического процесса. Выделены сущностные черты учебного сотрудничества. В соответствии с проведенным анализом предложен способ организации взаимодействия детей в парах в учебной деятельности, опирающийся на идеи коммуникативного подхода.

Communication of a person with a literary text as an “honoured interlocutor”

The article presents the results of the scientifi c refl ection on the communication of a person with a literary text. The latter is understood widely as a product of any aesthetic creative activity of the author. It acts as the author’s open invitation to a dialogue. The author uses the anthropological metaphor and philosopheme “honored interlocutor” proposed by a. A. Ukhtomsky as a key concept in the refl ection on the interaction of a person with cultural artifacts. Communication of an individual with a literary text is positioned as co-existence, i.e.

Psychosemiotic Features of the Multiculturally Oriented Academic Text as a form of Information Objectification

The paper presents a psychological scheme of semantic comprehension of academic texts. In the context of a multicultural perspective, the scheme is presented as a three-tier system: the inductive level, the formative level of the functional scheme of semantic comprehension, and the realizing level. It is shown that understanding of a text in terms of its multicultural orientation is a complex multi-step process which involves perceptional-cognitive-affective processing of perceived information.

Communication in the Context of Consciousness and Social Dynamics of Culture

The paper presents the findings of a theoretical analysis of the correlation between communication phenomena and consciousness, communication and culture, involving basic concepts of mass communication, in which an understanding of its nature, from transfer of information to symbolization and narrativization, is gradually developed. Social communication is viewed as the basic process of building psychosocial identity.