Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)


The Analysis of Approaches to Mentality Studying in a Psychological Science

The analysis of the historical and psychological literature has allowed to reveal a number of approaches to definition of concept «mentalition» and «mentality». Works of the Moscow psychological school represent attempts to consider integrated mechanisms of mentality and its communication with generalising socially-psychological characteristics of the person and share on two directions socially-psychological categories, such as the way of life, social representations, etc.

Fundamental Principles of Pedagogical and Psychological Theories of Social Education

The study aims to develop the foundations of a pedagogical and psychological theory of social education. It provides a rationale for the significance of this work in the context of the current pedagogical situation and formulates basic concepts of this theory. It also describes static and dynamic aspects of educational interaction and characterizes its organizational and cultural context. The cultural-historical theory and the activity approach serve as a psychological foundation for the ideas presented in the paper.

Socio-Cultural Matrix of Personality Development

The author uses her original approach to treat the role of personal representations of «Self – Other» in the development, formation, and self-determination of a person, which are constructed at different levels of the subject’s interaction (culture, society, personality). The paper suggests that it is culture and society that create conditions necessary for the development of personality by designing a kind of a socio-cultural matrix, but that it is a person that chooses meaningful reasons and value orientation for the trajectory of his/her spiritual and moral developme

Criteria of Subjective Personal Well-Being: Socio-Cultural Determinancy

We have attempted theoretical analysis of social and cultural determination of the criteria of subjective well-being on the basis of which judgments about happiness, satisfaction with life and oneself are drawn.

Socio-Cultural-Interdeterministic Dialogical Perspective of Forming Intercultural Competence

The study shows that socio-cultural-interdeterministic dialogical approach focuses on conditioned interdeterministic nature of interactions between situational, personal, and activity determinants of behavior, which are actualized in concrete historical and cultural context. The article substantiates the necessity of viewing the range of problems of a personality in the three-dimensional continuum of the apprehended-non-apprehended-existential, which allows to cover the diversity of manifestations of psychological phenomenology.

Communication in the Context of Consciousness and Social Dynamics of Culture

The paper presents the findings of a theoretical analysis of the correlation between communication phenomena and consciousness, communication and culture, involving basic concepts of mass communication, in which an understanding of its nature, from transfer of information to symbolization and narrativization, is gradually developed. Social communication is viewed as the basic process of building psychosocial identity.