Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)


In memory of Vladimir Ivanovich Strakhov: Devoted to the 90th anniversary of his birth

The article is dedicated to the 90th birthday of an outstanding scientist, a wonderful and bright man Vladimir Ivanovich Strakhov (1932–2021). His professional life was inextricably linked with Saratov State Pedagogical Institute named after K. Fedin and the SSU named after N. G. Chernyshevsky. Scientific interests of V. I. Strakhov lay in the field of psychology of attention, pedagogical psychology, psychology of sports, literary, musical and other types of creativity.

Personal creativity and motivation of achievement, as components of readiness for risk

In the article the basic problems, propensities concerning studying and readiness for risk in view of personal creativity and motivations of achievement of examinees are considered. Results of the comparative analysis of propensity and readiness for risk at men and women are discussed. Direct dependence of propensity to risk and motivation of achievement is established.

Implicit Theory of Creativity of University of Culture and Arts Students

The article presents approaches to study creativeness that are connected to personal traits. The researchers suggest the list of traits related to creativity. The results of empirical research are shown that has been conducted on 93 students of Kemerovo University of Culturev and Arts (aged from 18 to 33, studying different educational programs). Specially designed unipolar personality semantic differential has been applied.

A. M. Matyushkin’s Concept of Creative Giftedness as a Presupposition of Development of Creative Personality

Basic aspects of the concept of creative giftedness by A. M. Matyushkin are represented in the context of modern scientific literature and theoretical and experimental research of the staff of the Psychology of Giftedness Laboratory of the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Education.

Specificity of the Association between Self-Actualization and Psychometric Creativity

The study attempted to examine the association between creativity measured by divergent thinking tests, and self-actualization. The empirical base was 120 students (100 females, 17 to 22 years of age). The following assessment methods were administered: Self-actualization questionnaire (A. V. Lazukin), E. Torrance Test of Creative Thinking, Remote Associates Test (S. Mednick), Purpose-in-Life Orientations Test (D. A. Leontyev), Questionnaire «Empathy» (V. Boyko), and Self-esteem scale (Dembo – Rubinstein).