Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)

ethnic group

Psychological Аspects of Social Risks and Problem of Subjective Well-being of the Person

This article analyzes the psychological dimensions of social risks in relation to the issue of the subjective well-being of the individual and groups. Reveals the characteristics of the socialization, that influence the behavior of the of risk-creating and risk potential. Discuss issues of the social activity of the person with a different level and content of the subjective well-being.

Moral Orientation and Subjective Well-Being of Young People from Different Ethnic Groups

The paper presents the results of a theoretical and empirical study of moral orientations and subjective well-being, conducted on a sample of young Russians and Armenians using the following psychodiagnostic tools: the scale of subjective well-being (M. V. Sokolova); the technique for measuring the level of social frustratedness (L. I. Vasserman); the technique for diagnosing moral orientations (I. S. Slavinskaya, A. D. Nasledov, M. Y. Dvoretskaya).

Socio-political Peculiarities and Quality of Life Evaluation Among Ethnic

The paper presents the results of a theoretical and an empirical study of socio-political attitudes. The study was conducted on a sample of representatives of the Russian and the Kazakh ethnic groups (Saratov oblast, N = 60). Applying a complex of psychological and pedagogical methods, such as a questionnaire developed by the author of the study and the Level of Social Frustratedness instrument (L. I. Vasserman, B. V. Iovlev, M. A. Berebin), the study explores socio-political attitudes in different ethnic groups.

Correlation of Subjective Well-Being and Socio-Political Representation of Ethnic Groups

The paper presents the results of a theoretical and empirical study of subjective well-being and socio-political representation of ethnic groups. The study included proportionally equal samples of Russian and Kazakh respondents (Saratov, N = 60). Using a combination of psycho-pedagogical instruments, such as a questionnaire aimed at identifying socio-political views developed by the author of the study, the «Level of social frustratedness instrument » (L. I. Vasserman, B. V. Iovlev, M. A. Berebin), and the «C. Ryff’s scale of psychological well-being» (L. V.