Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)

детско-родительские отношения

Peculiarities of Parent-Child Relations in Families Raising a Child with Disabilities

The article deals with the results of the theoretical and empirical study of the problem of parent-child relations in families raising children with disabilities. Main trends in the development of parent-child relations in a family where child has psychophysical development disorders were determined based on the qualitative analysis of the data available in scientific literature. The empirical study of parent-child relations in families raising mentally challenged children was carried out to confirm theoretical conclusions of the study issue.

Relations Between Children and Parents as a Factor of Child’s Development

Attachment to mother plays a crucial role in child’s relationship with its close people at all stages of its growth, in particular, in future marital relationship, because human personality is largely formed by his or her interactions with the people with whom he or she identifies himself (parents, peers, etc). Family relations in which a child grows influence on its interaction with close people, as well as on the formation of relations in future family. The type of attachment to his or her mother has an impact on the relationship between spouses.