Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)

Психология социального развития

Организационный стресс в ситуации угрозы потери работы: гендерый аспект в подверженности стрессорам и связи с профессиональным выгоранием

Актуальность исследования стрессоров в организационном контексте обусловлена изменениями в организационном и внешне организационном контекстах, требующих анализ факторов-стрессоров воздействующих на работников, особенно в гендерном аспекте с учетом трансформации роли женщин в современном социуме. В статье показаны особенности факторов стрессоров производственной среды, выделяемых женщинами респондентами и мужчинами респондентами. Участники исследования — 277 мужчин и 119 женщин. В исследовании применялись методики диагностики трудового стресса (А. Б. Леонова и С. Б.

Преодоление стресса: метод арт-терапии

Преодоление стресса с помощью метода арт-терапии с точки зрения психологической теории является предметом научного интереса отечественных и зарубежных ученых. Статья рассматривает метод арт-терапии в рамках преодоления стресса. Теоретические основы арт-терапии определяются в качестве явления психолого-социального, соотносящегося к объективной действительности. Статья определяет ключевые методологические средства, которые направлены на реализацию арт-терапевтических методик в условиях преодоления стресса.

Features of personal and professional self-realization of teaching and learning psychologists

The relevance of the research is determined by the increasing role of a teaching and learning psychologist in the educational process, as well as the need for a teaching and learning psychologist to meet the requirements of the modern education system. The purpose of the research is to study the types of personal and professional self-realization of teaching and learning psychologists, as well as the psychological predictors of such self-realization.

Personality traits of a modern leader as seen by students

The relevance of the research is due to the public demand for the development of youth leadership programs. Additionally, the leaders themselves express the need to take into account the ideas of the youth about their personal characteristics in order to develop effectively. The objective of the study is to identify characteristics that are signifi cant for a modern youth leader as seen by students themselves depending on their gender and age.

Overcoming stressful situations and professional burnout of nurses: Analysis of the network

The relevance of the research is due to the fact thatmethods of coping with stress are an important predictor of professional burnout. However, previous studies have focused on the assessment of two-dimensional correlations, and did not take into account the complex structure of connections of coping methods both with each other and with the symptoms of professional burnout. The use of a network approach allows us to overcome this limitation.

Nurses’ ideas about the age-related evolution of the subject’s qualities: Dynamics and resources

The relevance of the study is determined the following: increase in the duration of a person’s working life and the expansion of the articulate components of its quality create a socially and psychologically signifi cant “second reality”, by which we mean subjective ideas about one’s profession, about one’s career, and about their social success. The research purpose is to study the ideas of the professional activity subjects about the age-related evolution of their qualities.

To a Problem of Differentiation of Concepts of Psychological and Subjective Well-Being of the Person

In article occurrence and functional features of concepts psychological and subjective well-being of the person are analyzed. The basic research traditions of these directions are considered. The thesis about complementarity of these concepts is put forward.

Concept of Style as Certain Way of Functioning of System

The most general law underlying a phenomenon style allocate communication between various elements of system. The style system has multilevel structure: its various hierarchical levels represent a number “subsystems” in relation to the “higher”, wider system. Thus, style acts as a certain way of functioning of system and as whole, having the structure, unity of separateness (components).

It is Theoretical Substantiation of Spontaneity-Association Method for Diagnostics of Inner Conflict Personality

There is theoretical substantiation of spontaneity-association method of diagnostics of inner conflict personality in the article. Author found on ideas of associanism and psychoanalysis. They were synthesized at methodology of an associative experiment.

Role of Other in Coping with Traumatic Stress Consequanes

The paper affirms that contemporary society’s realia predict a necessity to expand the consultive dialogue space with people who have experienced a traumatic stress to a polylogue space incorporating within itself communications and interactions with many people. It is made evident that a polylogical room is represented by means of such axes as “I myself as Other”, “I — psychologist consultant”, “I as other — intimate and significant Others”, “Other as I” and “Other as Enemy”.
