Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
ISSN 2304-9790 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9013 (Online)


Manifest and latent social groups: Phenomenon, evolution, determinants. Part 2

The aim of the research is to study the features of the social environment as potential conditions for the formation, functioning and evolution of latent social groups. Hypotheses: 1) there are pre-forms of social alliances of people (which can be tentatively called latent social groups); 2) diff erent conditions of a subject’s external and internal environment (including features perceived by a person as subjectively signifi cant for them in relation to certain life goals) might be the reasons why the pre-forms appear.

Manifest and latent social groups: Phenomenon, evolution, determinants. Part 1

Objective: to study the features of the social micro- and meso-environment as potential conditions for the formation, functioning and evolution of latent social groups. Hypotheses: 1. Various conditions of the social environment are not regarded as equivalent by people (persons of diff erent genders, ages, working in diff erent fi elds of activity, having diff erent social experience, etc.). 2. The conditions of the social environment have diff erent subjective signifi cance for people and collectively represent relatively autonomous and closed social spaces.

Terra incognita of vitality problem: Open issues. Part 2

The relevance of studying resilience is among other things conditioned by faster evolution of social objects, increase in general uncertainty, lack of stability, complexity and ambiguity of the dynamics of their state, which, in their turn, lead to an increase in the requirements for adaptation mechanisms of an individual and social groups (families, collectives, sports teams, managerial or project teams); the importance of an individual’s socio-psychological and psychological resources is increasing.

Terra incognita of vitality problem: Open issues. Part 1

The increase of uncertainty, instability, complexity, ambiguity of the dynamics of the condition of social subjects are among the issues that make vitality problem topical. This results in higher standards for adaptation mechanisms of an individual and social groups (families, work groups, sports, management, project teams) and greater importance of socio-psychological and psychological resources of a person.

Determiners of Mental Capacity Annual Cycle

The article demonstrates the results of a 34-year longitudinal study on the monitoring of intellectual workers mental capacity (MC). The author compares the non-repeatability of MC dynamics in different timing cycles and repeatability of the types of dynamics with similarity of the “external” and “internal” conditions of an individual.

“Acme”: Space and Time of Manifestation of the Phenomenon

The article discusses the content of the phenomenon of “acme”, it identifies “open questions”, the lack of answers to which hinders its study (temporal parameters of acme, the degree and nature of integration of human qualities, uniqueness and stability of mental structures, the role of environment and the nature of involvement of human activity in the activities of social groups, etc.). The purpose of the article is to raise questions of searching for and identifying spatial and temporal parameters of how the phenomenon of “acme” is manifested.

The Phenomenon of «Resources»: Stages and Situations of Actualization of Environment Conditions as Resources

The paper explores the phenomenon of «resources»: psychological mechanisms of actualizing the subject’s «internal conditions» and «external conditions» as resources, levels of activity and interaction of the subject in the «subject – environment» system, a measure of intensity of these interactions and possibilities of accumulating their «critical mass», people’s mental states resulting from «subjectgenerating » interactions and conducive to generating resources.